Romance in Relationships

Romance in Relationships - keep it alive.

Relationships based on natural requirements of sex cannot go on forever. You need to have the emotional connection and always keep it alive. The emotion has a nice name “Romance”. It is the feeling of yearning for each other and will keep the relationship go from strength to strength. Easily told but being romantic is not that easy. After sometime of marriage/relationship your focus seems to shift and the nice feeling of romance fades away. The following ways will not let that happen.

  • Have romance in daily routine – By saying so I am not trying to tell that you make it a drill. Rather have some time daily for refuelling this feeling. It can be by hiking together, going for a small candle lit dinner or just shampooing each other. Such simple acts will keep the fire burning (Romance) and keep the relationship strong.
  • Hugging and Kissing – Yes friends hugging and kissing keep the romance in your life alive. Research has also proven that acts of hugs and kisses remove stress. So, shower kisses on your partner and do not forget to give hugs when you feel. Do not be a miser in giving hugs.
  • Listening and Communicating – Listening to your partner attentively and also communicating your views are very important. It keeps the feeling of care alive. And when you care romance is always alive. Always say I love to your partner. Words do make a difference.